Professional Workshops for Educators, Counselors, Parents, Organizations and Athletes
Professional Workshops for Educators, Counselors, Parents, Organizations and Athletes
Finally. Professional Learning workshops offering quick, immediate applications to decrease anxiety/stress and develop executive function and a growth mindset. My interactive workshops can be customized to suit your audience and range from 90 minutes to 5 hours (offered on-site or virtually).

Build Underdeveloped Executive Function, Maximize Learning and Unlock Potential
Best for Educators, Counselors and Parents
Looking for ways to help disorganized, easily distracted students become more focused and productive? How about those who have difficulty getting started, fall apart when they encounter obstacles, or are hard to engage?

When Anxiety Goes Up, Learning and Performance Go Down
Best for Educators, Counselors and Parents
With the spike in anxiety, kids and adults need to be equipped with key information and quick strategies to decrease stress and manage anxiety-provoking situations. When you give anxiety what it needs—not what it wants—it combats anxiety’s vicious cycle, which leads to an increase in flexibility, resilience and problem-solving needed to stress less, think better and work smarter!

Brain-Friendly Lesson Design to Boost Engagement and Learning
Best for Educators and Counselors
Learning starts with the brain, and the moment of engagement is a critical part of the learning process. This interactive workshop empowers you with practical applications that incorporate the science of learning and more of “what the brain likes” into your lessons.

Practical Tips and Strategies to Manage Stress and Achieve Peak Performance
Best for Corporations and Organizations
The impact of stress has far-reaching consequences, affecting ability, memory, executive function, behavior, relationships, receptivity to feedback and performance. Whether you’re dealing with stress in school, at home or at work, you’ll learn empowering ways to manage anxiety and unproductive thoughts.